Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Leadership Team

Deniece Bourne

Deniece Bourne Class

Director of Education (Board Member)

Deniece M. Bourne is a Brooklyn-born wine and spirits professional who lived and studied in Barbados, earning an Associate degree in languages for business and tourism, a Bachelor’s in Biology and a Master’s in Management. She co-founded and ran Palate Selections, a boutique wine import and distribution business, for almost 10 years. She moved back to New York City in 2018 and worked for the Wine & Spirit Education Trust as Business Development Manager for Eastern U.S.A., Canada and The Caribbean.

Deniece is now Founder and Chief Savant of Savoir Global, a Wine & Spirits brokerage that serves the Caribbean. She is a strong supporter of wine and spirits education, holding a WSET Level 3 Wines Certification and a WSET Certified Educator status for Wines and Spirits. She is also pursuing the WSET Diploma in Wines. Besides being a Director for The Veraison Project, she is also a Dame and Board Member-at-Large with Les Dames d’Escoffier New York City.